LODAS Markets Offers Liquidity Lifeline to Starwood SREIT Investors

May 30, 2024

Overland Park, Kan. – May 30, 2024 — LODAS Markets, the only fully automated online marketplace matching buyers and sellers of non-traded REITs and other alternatives, continues to offer trading in Starwood’s SREIT on LODASMarkets.com

“We are offering a liquidity lifeline to SREIT and its investors as they seek value for their shares during this turbulent time,” said LODAS Markets Founder and CEO Brian King. “As the only marketplace that offers secondary trading in SREIT, we stand ready to assist buyers and sellers immediately."

LODAS allows investors to readily buy and sell shares in dozens of typically illiquid securities, including business development companies (BDCs) like Franklin BSP Capital Corp. SREIT has been available for trading on LODAS since February 2023.

LODAS also remains the only marketplace to execute trades in Blackstone’s BREIT, which became available on the platform in March 2023.

Signing up to trade on LODAS typically takes just a few minutes. Just click on this link and follow the prompts. 

LODAS Securities, LLC Member FINRA / SIPC - LODAS Securities, LLC is a wholly subsidiary of LODAS Markets, Inc.

The information provided herein does not constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities, which can only be made by the applicable offering document filed and registered with the appropriate state and/or federal regulatory agencies and sold by broker dealers authorized to do so. There is no guarantee that a market will develop for some securities, and as a result, they may remain illiquid.

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